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Were-Transformation (Ex)

Prerequisite: Lycanthrope Definition
Use: 1 + 1 per 7 HD per day
Action: Full Round
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour per constitution modifier

Your character shifts into a hybrid form between their base species and an animal form. In the process they gain natural attacks, a temporary constitution and strength bonus, and heal damage equal to their constitution modifier x 10, up to whatever the new HP max is while in this form. They also gain Fast Healing 5, increase base movement by 20, and gain a +4 circumstance to Acrobatics

Roll a will save equal to damage healed by the transformation. If the will save is failed your character acts with complete blood lust and attacking foes and friend alike. This will save can be made every turn, every turn the DC reduces by 5.

The natural attacks will be two claws and a bite. The claw attacks will be at base attack bonus equal to their hit dice and the bite will be 5 lower. Medium size claws deal 1d8 damage with a 19-20 x2 critical. The Bite will be 1d10 with a x3 critical.

During this time your character will gain a +6 circumstantial bonus to Strength and Constitution.

At the end of the duration your character will be exhausted for 5 minutes and fatigued until rested. It cannot be used again until the exhaustion wears off. Entering the transformed state again will cure the fatigue.