Unleash (Ex)
Prerequisite: Personal Construct, Familiar or Animal Companion
Use: Infinite ∞
Action: Standard
Target: Any creature within 90 ft.
Duration: Until dismissed
Your character concentrates on their foe and commands their pet, construct, or familiar to attack. Your pet, construct, or familiar will do so with great prejudice gaining a +3 circumstance bonus to attack, damage, and a +3 dodge bonus against that foe. These bonuses increase by 1 per 6 HD your character has. Changing targets must be done at the beginning of your turn. The companion also gains an immediate move action when the ability is first used. This move does not count against the creature's turn and will not provoke any attacks of opportunity.
VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} commands their companion to attack a specified foe. Against this
specified foe their companion gains **+**[[3+floor(@{hd}/6)]] circumstance bonus
to attack and damage as well as a **+**[[3+floor(@{hd}/6)]] dodge bonus to AC.
@{character_name}'s companion also gains an immediate move action. This move
does not provoke an attack of opportunity.