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Lesser Suppression Field (Su)

Prerequisite: Charisma 14
Use: 1 + 1 per 4 HD per day
Action: Swift
Effect: 20 ft. radius centered on the user
Duration: 1 Hour per HD @{hd} hours
Spell Resistance: No

Any non-ally in this field suffers a -1 morale penalty to AC. Only one effect can be active at a time, another use of suppression field needs to be used to change the effect.

Vulnerability: Enemies become vulnerable to a selected energy type, Heat, Cold, Electric, Acid, or Sonic.

Wounding: Any time a non-ally takes physical damage, they will take another 3 damage.

Mire: Non-Allies have their movement speeds reduced by 5 ft.

Armor Breaking: Non-Allies have all physical damage reductions reduced by 5.

Ruiner: Gain a -2 morale penalty to any one of the following; Will, Fortitude, or Reflex.

VTT Ability Description:
@{character_name} creates an area of bad luck around them giving algitl non-allied creatures a -1 morale penalty to AC as well as one of the following affects:

**Vulnerability**: Enemies become vulnerable to a selected energy type, Heat, Cold, Electric, Acid, or Sonic.

**Wounding**: Any time a non-ally takes physical damage, they will take another 3 damage.<br>

**Mire**: Non-Allies have their movement speeds reduced by 5 ft.

**Armor Breaking**: Non-Allies have all physical damage reductions reduced by 5.

**Ruiner**: Gain a -2 morale penalty to any one of the following; Will, Fortitude, or Reflex.