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Static Cling (Su)

Prerequisite: PMA 12
Use: 1 + 1 per 5 HD
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. per CL)
Action: Standard action
Target: 2 targets no more than 40 ft apart.
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Mixed; see text [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]]
Spell Resistance: Yes

Select two targets, and they are pulled together so that they end up in adjacent squares. If SR is not penetrated on any target the effect fails and the daily use is expended. A reflex save can be made against this pull. If after the first round the users are not in adjacent squares they take 2d6 (Maximum 20d6) electrical damage for every square they are apart at the beginning of your character's turn. Any time the targets could take damage a reflex save can be made for half damage.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} electrically bonds two characters. They will be pulled into adjacent squares immediately upon affect. They will take 2d6 damage for every square they are separated from their bonded partner. Any time they could take damage a reflex save can be made for half.

VTT Side Macro:
&{template:custom}{{title=Static Cling}}{{subtitle=@{character_name}}}{{Reflex Save=DC [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]]; half}}{{desc=[[[[(?{Number of Squares Apart?|1})*2]]d6+(@{SpellProf}*(?{Number of Squares Apart?|1}*2))]] heat damage}}