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Spirit Form (Ex)

Prerequisite: Access to the Nature magic list or a sufficiently explained backstory
Use: 1 + 1 per 4 HD per day
Action: Full round
Duration: 1 Hour per HD; until canceled @{hd} hours

Spirit Form allows your character to transform into any animal or creature but retain their casting ability and mental attributes. Animals selected have to be large size or smaller, and will get the penalties and bonuses associated with that size. The new form will always gain +4 Strength and Dexterity from your character and will always use your character's constitution. A spirit form will also have a defining ability of the animal or creature selected.

VTT Ability Description:
@{character_name} transforms into a <insert creature/animal here> and gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Dexterity and Strength and becomes <size> sized. In this form they retain all of their stats and mental acuity, but cannot use any non-natural weapons. They also gain a <Selected defining characteristic of the creature selected.>