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Spell Thrower (Sp)

Prerequisites: Intelligence or Charisma chosen as PMA and said attribute must be 16 or higher. Must be able to cast spells.
Use: Uses are determined by spell slots sacrificed.
Action: 1 Standard action
Target: Multiple; see text
Effect: Multiple; see text
Duration: Instantaneous or see text

The spell thrower is a weapon designed by your character that can range from a stave, to a wand, to a clockwork powered shotgun. The functionality remains the same. The device will fire charges with effects chosen by the caster. Charges are made by the caster by sacrificing spell slots. Below are the effects and how spell slot level sacrifice scales the.

Charges can take many forms, ranging from runes, marbles, gems, or cartridges. It all depends on the theme your character uses. Chargers are made by using a spell slot from level 1 to level 9. A caster can only carry up to 5 charges.

Barrier Charge: Firing this charge will create 5 ft.2 worth of a force-barrier per spell level sacrificed. The barriers can be created out to 25 ft + 5 ft per spell level sacrificed. The shape of the barrier is up to the caster, but all segments must be touching. Barriers last for 1 round per 2 HD, minimum 1 + round. Force barriers have spell slot x 15 hp.

Spread Charge: Firing this charge will create a 90° 15 ft. cone (30-ft cone with level 5+ slot). This shot deals 1d8 per spell level sacrificed of electric, heat, slashing, or piercing damage. Damage type is selected when the charge is made. All creatures in the area must make a reflex save DC (10 + PMA + Spell Level Sacrificed + Spell Proficiency) for half damage

Directed Charge: Firing this charge has a range of 100 + 10 ft. per spell level sacrificed. User must succeed on a ranged touch attack. This attack deals 2d6 per spell level sacrificed of electric, heat, slashing, or piercing damage.

Stun-web Charge: Firing this charge covers 5 ft of ground per spell level sacrificed. The webs can be fired out to 25 ft + 5 ft per spell level sacrificed. The webs do not need to be touching each other. Any creature that comes into contact with a web must make a fortitude save DC (10 + PMA + Spell Level Sacrificed + Spell Proficiency) or become stunned for 1 round per spell level sacrificed. A new save is allowed on the victims turn, ever turn, once succeeded they are immune until the end of their turn. Movement speed across the webs is halved.

Barrier VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} Creates a force barrier that is [[25+(5*?{Spell Level Used})]] ft. long barrier; all segments must be connected. Each 5 ft. segment has [[15?{Spell Level Used}]] hp, and lasts for [[1+floor(@{hd}/2)]] rounds.

Spread VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} sprays out a 90° 15 ft. cone (30 ft. with spell level 5+) of ?{electric, heat, slash, or piercing?}. Subjects must make a reflex save DC [[10+@{pma}+?{Spell Level Used}+@{SpellProf}]] for half damage.

Spread VTT Number of Dice:
[[?{Spell Level Used}]]

Directed VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} Fires a bolt of ?{electric, heat, slash, or piercing?} damage out to [[100 + (10*?{Spell Level Used})]] ft. with a [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] against touch AC.

Directed VTT Number of Dice:
[[2*?{Spell Level Used}]]

Directed VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} fires a ball of energy out to [[25 + (5*?{Spell Level Used})]] ft. and covers ?{Spell Level Used} squares where it lands. Subjects must make a fortitude save DC [[10+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}+?{Spell Level Used}]] or become [*stunned*]( for ?{Spell Level Used} rounds.