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Lesser Shard of Void (Su)

Prerequisite: Be able to cast basic or better level of spells. Primary mental attribute has to be 14 or higher.
Use: 1 per day per PMA Mod
Action: Standard
Target: 1 selected target per round
Duration: 1 round per 2 HD, minimum 1 round; maximum 5 rounds (Concentration)
Saving Throw: Fortitude Half
Dispel: Yes
DC: PMA based
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create a fissure in reality that is about a finger length long and about the width of a strand of hair. There is a warped visual distortion around it that is similar to a curved lens. The shard can move at 30 ft per round. If moved into an enemy square the shard deals 1d6 entropic damage for every 2 HD (Max 5d6). If the creature is still in the square with the shard, it must roll its fortitude save again at the beginning of your next turn. Moving the shard requires a move action. It can be held in the same square for multiple rounds, each round a new fortitude save has to be made. If the character fails to bypass a target's spell resistance the shard is lost.