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Shadow Clasp (Su)

Prerequisite: Shadow Fade
Use: 1 Shadow point
Action: Standard action
Range: Close @{CloseRange} ft.
Target: Single living creature
Duration: 1 + PMA rounds [[1+@{pma}]] rounds
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
DC: PMA based [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]]
Spell Resistance: No

Your target is gripped by shadowy thorny vines that can hold them. Subjects gripped by these vines move at half speed, are considered flat-footed, and take damage equal to 2d6 negative damage per square moved, including free 5 ft. step actions. An affected target can spend a full round action and make a strength check, DC 15 or escape artist check DC 22 to break free.

If two shadow points are spent on Shadow Clasp the subject wil; receive a Deep Gash whether they save or not. On a failed save they will become blinded for the duration of Shadow clasp.

Synergy: If the affected target is also hit with a shadow fade attack, the first attack against the target is considered to be critical threat. If this attack does not confirm, it does not hit.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} creates black shadowy thorns around a target. The target must make a reflex save or have their speed halved, end up flat-footed, and take 2d6 negative damage per square moved. A full round can be spend breaking free of these thorns, Strength DC 15 or Escape Artist 22. If two shadow points are spent on shadow clasp the subject will also receive a [*deep gash*]( whether they make the save or not. On a failed save they will become [*blind*]( for the duration.

Synergy: If the affected target is also hit with a shadow fade attack, the first attack against the target is considered to be critical threat. If this attack does not confirm, it does not hit.

Set up a damage macro with the following:
&{template:custom}{{title=Shadow Clasp's}}{{subtitle=Movement Damage}}{{Bleed Damage=[[[[?{Number of Squares Moved?}*2]]d6+((?{Number of Squares Moved?}*2)*@{SpellProf}))]]}}