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Shadow Blast (Su)

Prerequisite: Shadow Fade
Use: 1 Shadow point
Action: Standard action
Range: Close @{CloseRange} ft.
Target: Single living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
DC: PMA Based [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]]
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special: Gain 1 shadow point when taking this ability

A black orb thrown from your character must succeed on a martial touch attack. Affected targets then take 1d6 non-lethal damage for every HD your character has. Creatures with immunity to non-lethal damage do not take damage from this ability. Target can make a will save for half damage.

A second shadow point can be spent on making the orb deal lethal damage, in which the damage type becomes negative energy. This form of the attack will also leave the target coated in black shadows, nullifying any invisibility.

Synergy: If the character has Shadow Fade, that ability can be used as a free action following this attack.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} fires a small black orb from their finger at their foe with a [[1d20+@{MartialTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] against touch AC. This will deal non-lethal damage on hit, will for half. If 2 shadow points are spent, it will deal lethal negative damage; will for half, as well as coat the creature in a black shadow, revealing invisible foes.

Synergy: If the character has Shadow Fade, that ability can be used as a free action following this attack.

VTT Number of Dice: