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Rebuke Undead (Su)

Prerequisite: Must be able to cast divine spells, charisma of 12 or higher, must be good or neutral.
Use: 3 + 1 per constitution modifier per day
Action: Standard
Target: 60-ft burst, effects closest Undead first
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: None

Rebuke undead forces the undead to flee your presence. A rebuke attempt is performed by rolling a d20 + charisma modifier. Take the result and compare it to the table below to know the highest HD of undead that can be affected.

Rebuke Check Result Most powerful Undead effected
0 Character HD -4
1-3 Character HD -3
4-6 Character HD -2
7-9 Character HD -1
10-12 Character HD
13-15 Character HD +1
16-18 Character HD +2
19-21 Character HD +3
22+ Character HD +4

After getting your result, roll 2d6 + character HD + charisma modifier to determine the maximum number of Undead HD affected. The nearest undead will flee for 1 minute and the effect radiates outward to the next closest after that until the affected HD is used up. If a cleric moves within 10 feet of an affected undead, the turn is overcome and the undead acts normally. Note -- if a cleric has twice as many HD as an affected undead, that undead will be completely destroyed instead of fleeing.

Special: If a good or neutral character becomes evil, this ability can be replaced with control undead should they go through an atonement ritual.