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Rage, Intensified (Ex)

Prerequisite: Greater Rage and Constitution 16
Use: 1 + 1 per constitution modifier per day
Action: Free
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per HD

The bonuses increase to +4 attack and damage; +3 to spell and ability DCs. The -2 AC remains. Critical threat range on weapons is doubled during the intensified rage. Also gain 40+( 10 x Constitution modifier) in temporary it points. Spells are considered to be cast as 4 levels higher. During an intensified rage your character gains +4 on will saves and is immune to any compulsion and fear effects. The first spell cast during an intensified rage is considered perfected and bolstered. All spells cast during intensified rage are considered to be bolstered. Once the rage is over your character will still remain fatigued for 5 rounds. Concentration checks for spells become 14 + HD + spell Level.