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Rage, Greater (Ex)

Prerequisite: Rage and Constitution 14
Use: 1 + 1 per 6 HD
Action: Free action
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per HD @{hd} rounds

The bonuses increase to +4 attack and damage; +2 to spell and ability DCs. The -2 AC Remains. Also gain 20+( 5 x Constitution modifier) in temporary hit points. Spells cast during greater rage are considered to be bolstered. Spells are considered to be cast as 2 levels higher. During a greater rage your character also gains +4 to will saves. Once the rage is over your character will still remain fatigued for 5 rounds. Concentration checks for spells become 12 + HD + spell Level.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} gains a +4 rage bonus to attack and damage, any spell or ability DCs are increased by +2. AC suffers a -2 rage penalty. During the rage @{character_name} gains a +4 circumstance bonus to will saves. Temporary HP [[20+(5*@{conmod})]] is gained for the duration. Spells are considered to be cast at +2 CL and bolstered for the duration. During the rage a spell caster must succeed on a DC [[12+@{hd}+(0?{Spell Level being cast?(Number Only)|0})]] to cast the spell. After a Greater Range ends, @{character_name} will be fatigued for 5 rounds, and cannot rage until the fatigue is gone.