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Quills of the Phoenix (Su)

Prerequisite: Charisma 14, Shroud of the Phoenix, cannot be undead, and must have the Blessing of the Phoenix.
Use: 1 + per 5 HD per day
Action: Standard Action
Target: Selected targets
Duration: 1 round per HD; Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
As a standard action your character can create 3 quills that hover above their head and shoulders. Each gives 3 damage reduction that is bypassed by the corresponding damage type.

The round after being summoned a single quill can be thrown at an enemy as a swift action. If your character succeeds on a ranged touch attack the quill will deal 1d6 per 4 HD (Max 5d6) damage of the corresponding type.

Synergy: If you have Flight of the Phoenix you gain two additional quills, one over each wing.