Greater Petal Shroud (Su)
Prerequisite: PMA 16+ and Improved Petal Shroud
Use: Can be broken up as needed but total use per day cannot exceed maximum duration per day.
Range: Self
Action: Swift
Target: Self
Duration: 2 rounds per HD. [[2*@{HD}]]
This functions as Petal Shroud but the miss chance against ranged attacks is increased to 50%, the vines base damage die becomes 1d10 and gets a x3 critical.
VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} shrouds themselves in a whorl of leaves, flower petals, or any sufficiently light plant material.
While active @{character_name} gains **+**[[1+floor(@{hd}/4)]] natural armor enhancement bonus to AC. It also grants
vine whips that can be used as weapons. All incoming ranged attacks will have a 50% miss chance. Standing in sunlight
will grant @{character_name} 10 fast healing.