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Personal Construct

Prerequisite: Int 14+, character must not have a familiar or animal companion.

Effect: Gain a construct that will follow your commands and serve you in combat or other situations. These constructs have no intelligence or constitution scores and have standard construct traits. Charisma for all constructs is 10 and cannot be modified. A construct will need to be created from materials thematic to your character. Constructs gain HD as your character does. When building your construct, you can roll stats or distribute the following as you see fit into Strength, Dexterity or Wisdom: 18, 16, 12. Some things will need to be selected when creating your construct. Damage type will be based on what kind of limbs/weapons they use to fight. Select either piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning as the damage types for their natural attacks. Constructs can be quadrupedal and have their base movement speed +10 but only get a single natural attack, or be bipedal and get two natural attacks. Constructs can only take Combatant progression charts and either medium or high attack bonuses.

If Small Sized: +2 Dex, -2 Strength, attacks damage do 1d6 and 18-20 with a x2 critical; base speed 20

If Medium Sized: Attacks do 1d8, with a x3 critical; base speed 30

If Large Sized: +2 Str, -2 Dex, Natural Attacks do 2d6 with a x2 critical; base speed 20

The base armor for a construct is 10, money can be spent armoring it up as if applying a normal character's armor to it. Cost modifiers for the armor are the same as if for small, medium or large characters. This armor can also be enchanted. The weapons for your construct are free and considered masterwork, including the +1 bonus to attack. These can be enchanted for standard cost. Magic items can be created to increase a construct's skills, and will be attached to the associated slot. Constructs also cannot speak unless modified to do so. Personal constructs do not gain bonus feats or bonus abilities from their progression. The only abilities they get come from the Special column. They do gain standard feats at 1, 3, 6... etc.

Character HD Natural Armor Adj. HP Adj. Special
1st - 2nd +1 +5 Construct Traits, DR 5/-, Improved Shove, Snatch*, or Close Proximity Ranged Combat, Energy Absorption
3rd - 4th +2 +5 -
5th - 6th +3 +5 Energy Vent
7th - 8th +4 +5 -
9th - 10th +5 +5 Energy Ray
11th - 12th +6 +5 DR 10/-
13th - 14th +7 +5 Energy Shield
15th - 16th +8 +5 -
17th - 18th +9 +5 Accelerate
19th - 20th +10 +5 -

Note: HP bonuses are cumulative.

  • Must be quadrupedal

Energy Absorption: Your construct is not only immune, but is repaired, instead of damaged, by anything that deals with the energy type they are powered with. e.g. Sonic, Acid, Positive, Negative, etc...

Energy Vent: Once per day per 3 HD the construct can vent whatever type of energy is powering it. If steam, then heat; if spirit power, then positive/negative energy; if arcane then damage type of your choosing. This will affect all adjacent squares dealing 5d6 damage/healing. Reflex save for half, the DC is based on your character's PMA (10+1/2 HD+PMA Mod) This is a standard action.

Energy Ray: Once per day per PMA of your character, the construct can attempt a ranged touch attack. The ray will deal 1d6 / 2 HD of the energy type used to animate the construct. This is a standard action

Energy Shield: Once per day your golem can create a shield around its creator that gives them a ward that prevents the amount of damage equal to HD x PMA Mod and makes them immune to the energy type used to animate the construct. This is a standard action

Accelerate: Once per day, for rounds equal to the PMA of your character, the golem can act as if under the effects of the haste spell. These do not need to be used consecutively. Activating accelerate is a free action.