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Leaping Assault (Ex)

Prerequisite: Grace, At least 8 skill points in Acrobatics
Use: 1 grace point
Action: Full Round
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft per 2 HD)
Target: Single Target
Duration: Instantaneous

Through methods specific to your character they manage to leap with a tremendous force. In a round a leaping character can jump as far as their maximum range and half as high at the zenith of the jump. This action does not require a running start nor does it provoke an attack of opportunity. This action can also be used offensively. When your character lands, if there is an enemy in a threatened square, a single attack can be rolled against one of them. If this attack hits the attack will deal an extra 3d6 + strength modifier.

Note: This ability cannot be used if your character is flat-footed, held, or immobilized by any means. Only one grace point can be used per round.