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Lay on Hands (Su)

Prerequisite: PMA 16+
Use: ((2 x HD) x PMA Modifier)) of usable points for healing/damage.
Range: Touch
Target: Self
Action: Standard
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will
DC: PMA Based

Channel divine energy to damage or heal your target by any amount up to the maximum amount within your point pool. This pool of healing/damage refreshes every day during prayer. The user of Lay on Hands has to choose whether or not it is damage or healing when the ability is taken. If Lay on Hands is used to deal damage, the target will get a will save for half damage.

Additionally, Healing Lay on Hands points can be spent doing the following: 25 points to close a wound. 100 points to remove an injury, disease, or poison. 200 points to remove a curse.

Damaging Lay on Hands points can be spent doing the following: 25 points to open a wound. 100 points to bestow an injury, disease, or poison. 200 points to cast a curse. The subject will get a will save against this.