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Juggernaut (Ex)

Prerequisite: Focus and HD 8+
Use: 4 Focus points
Range: Personal
Action: Full Round
Target: Self
Duration: 1 Round
Special: Gain 1 Focus point

Move at double base speed, any enemy creature is automatically forced to roll an oppose shove. The user gains a +8 circumstance bonus to all shove attempts during this round. A creature that fails their oppose shove will be pushed up to the user's remaining movement speed, or until the user changes direction. Any creature that succeeds their oppose shove, is instead knocked prone and trampled.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} moves up to twice their base speed. All enemy creatures in their path must make an oppose shove. The user has a +8 circumstance bonus to these attempts. Creatures that fail are shoved along the juggernaut's path until they run out of movement or change direction. Creatures that succeed are instead knocked prone and trampled.