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Je ne Sais Quoi (Ex)

Prerequisite: Panache
Use: 4 Panache points
Range: Personal
Action: Standard
Target: All interacting creatures
Duration: 1 hour per CL; instantaneous
Saving Throw: N/A
Spell Resistance: No
Special: Gain 1 bonus panache point

The user creates a sense of awe about them. It makes other far more receptive to them. While active, a creature cannot start a disposition lower than apprehensive. This even occurs for the first round of combat. At any point during the duration Je ne Sais Quoi can be exerted and allow for the user of a beguile, diplomacy, or intimidate attempt with a +5 circumstantial bonus. This attempt must be theatrical and full of panache. If the attempt succeeds by 5 or more it REALLY succeeds. If the subjects are more hostile than apprehensive, this attempt will auto fail.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} creates a sense of awe about them that makes others more receptive. While this is active a creature cannot start with a [_disposition_]( lower than apprehensive. This will even occur on the first round of combat. At any point during the duration, this ability can be [_exerted_]( and will allow for a beguile, diplomacy, or intimidate attempt with a +5 circumstance bonus. If this succeeds with 5 or more, it will _really_ succeed.