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Improvised Arcane Device (Sp) [Magic]

Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells
Use: See Text
Action: 1 minute to an hour; see text
Target: See Text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: PMA based [[10+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}+?{Total spell level used}]]
Spell Resistance: Yes

With this ability a character can create impromptu magical items that customized to the creator's needs. These effects can range from stunning, damaging, controlling, or healing creatures. To create an IAD the user must sacrifice a spell slot for the day, the level of the spell slot sacrificed can affect the outcome of the device. Damage and effects can be mix and matched. So a level 4 spell slot can be used to create a grenade that deals 3d6 electric damage and stun for 1 round.

The maximum number of these that can exist for the character is 6.

Improvised items take 1 minute per spell level used, to create.

These improvised items will vanish if they are more than 400 ft. from the creator.

Effect Types:
Stun: Stuns target for one round.

Blind: Blinds all creatures within 30 ft. for one round per spell level.

Fatigue: Fatigues target for one round per spell level.

Shaken: leaves all creatures within 30 ft. of device shaken for one round per spell level.

Damage Types:
Cold: Deals 1d6 per spell level sacrificed cold damage to target

Corrosive: Deals 1d6 per spell level sacrificed acid damage to target

Electric: Deals 1d6 per spell level sacrificed electrical damage to target

Heat: Deals 1d6 per spell level sacrificed fire damage to target

Negative Energy: 1d6 per spell level sacrificed negative damage to target.

Positive Energy: 1d6 per spell level sacrificed healing to target.

Sonic: Deals 1d6 per spell level sacrificed sonic damage to target

Trigger types:
Trap: Up to 10 ft. x 10 ft. square must be entered by a creature to go off. It takes a full round to set up a trap.

Grenade: Thrown object with a 20 ft. range must succeed on ranged touch attack. Using a grenade is a standard action. The grenades explode with a 5 ft. radius.

VTT Instructions

The macro below is specifically for the grenade, but basically applies the same to the trap trigger. It will ask for the total number of spell levels used on the IAD, it will ask for the energy type of the grenade, and finally it will inquire how many of those levels were dedicated to damage. Keep a note in your inventory of what your IADs are how the spell slot is divided.

Grenade VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} throws a grenade type IAD at their target with a [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] against touch AC. The grenade will deal ?{Energy Type?} damage. Reflex saves will be for half damage, if there is a secondary affect it will be a fortitude save against the same DC.

Grenade VTT Number of Dice:
[[?{Spell level used for damage}]]