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Fay Space (Su)

Prerequisite: None
Action: 1 round, move, or free; see text
Target: Self

Gain extra-dimensional space you can access simply by reaching into it. The carrying capacity of this space is equal to your character's medium load. Items in this space do not count towards your character's carrying capacity. Objects in the storage still spoil, rot, wear and tear. There is no mundane way to steal an item from a fay space if stored. If an object is in fay space when the owner of said fay space dies, they are only retrievable with a miracle or a wish. If the weight limit is exceeded everything falls out of the fay space, typically onto the user.

At 1 HD retrieving an item from fay space requires a full-round action.

At 5 HD retrieving an item from fay space requires a move action

At 10 HD retrieving an item from fay space is a free action.

Storing an item is a free action.