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Familiar (Su)

Prerequisite: Must not have an animal companion or construct, must be able to cast magic.
Effect: Gain a familiar from the suggested familiar list, or any animal/creature with a 2 HD base, and that is small sized or smaller. Your familiar will gain HD as you do and gain feats and stat increases like any creature normally would. A familiar's HP will be equal to its master's or it's own depending on which is higher. All familiar start with at least 10 in intelligence. Stats are rolled like any character, speak with your DM for modifiers. On top of all of this the familiar gains bonuses as your character's HD increases.

Familiars gain known skills of, Beguile, Conceal, Concentrate, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Investigate, Listen, Move Silently, Discern Intent, and Spot.

A familiar is summoned by the caster and remains summoned for the duration that it is alive. If reduced to 0 hit points a familiar will vanish and cannot be re-summoned for 72 hours. The re-summoning ritual takes 1 hour to complete.

Familiars use the base saves from their master but their own stats to modify them.

Shared Spell: Spells that are target, "Personal," apply to your character and their familiar when cast.

Deliver Touch Spell: A touch spell can be cast on your familiar, then your familiar can deliver the touch spell with a touch attack any number of rounds later as long as it's in the same 24 hour period.

Scry on Familiar: This allows your character to see through their familiar's eyes at will.

Proxy Spell: While casting a spell you can choose to have it originate from your familiar instead of yourself, this works as long as the familiar is within the spell's range.

Hold Spell: Your familiar can hold and store up to 8 levels of spell that it can cast. It can hold these spells indefinitely until cast. Once cast the spells will need to be given to them again. These spells use your character's DC.

Character HD Natural Armor Adj. Int Adj. Special
1st - 2nd +3 +4 Improved evasion, share spells, empathetic link
3rd - 4th +3 +4 Deliver touch spells
5th - 6th +4 +5 Speak with master
7th - 8th +4 +5 Speak with creatures of its kind
9th - 10th +5 +6 Spell Resistance (11+HD)
11th - 12th +5 +6 Proxy Spell
13th -14th +6 +7 Scry on familiar (see through its eyes)
15th - 16th +6 +7 -
17th - 18th +7 +8 Hold Spell
19th - 20th +7 +8 -