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Fall of the Phoenix (Su)

Prerequisite: Charisma 16; At least three other Phoenix abilities, cannot be undead, and must have the Blessing of the Phoenix
Use: 1 per week
Action: Immediate Action
Target: Self; 60-ft radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Half; Harmless
DC: Charisma-based
Spell Resistance: No

If your character falls to 1/5 (20%) of their health they can, at any time in combat, even not on their turn, self-destruct. This has to be actively done by your character, being killed does not activate this ability. The detonation deals 2d6 damage of your chosen damage type for every HD your character has to enemies. An equivalent amount of health is healed to allies within the radius. After the detonation your character's health will be reduced to lethal levels and their body will be reduced to ashes. After 48 hours your character will reconstitute from the ash. Your character will suffer a -2 constitution as well as fatigue for 72 hours. On top of that your character will be one size category smaller for the duration. During this time your character will be extra h ungry and thirsty, requiring twice as much food and water. Nothing can cure these penalties outside of a Wish.

Synergy: If your character has all 3 of the other abilities, Fall of the Phoenix will trigger on its own when lethal HP is reached.