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Fake it 'til you Make It (Ex)

Prerequisite: Panache
Use: 3 Panache points
Range: Personal
Action: Standard
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per CL
Saving Throw: N/A
Spell Resistance: No
Special: Gain 1 bonus panache point

The user will claim to be more competent than they actually are. While attempting to meet the boast, any failure at a task that is met with an excuse that is sufficiently obnoxious, will gain a +1 luck bonus to all rolls. This bonus will cap out at +3. If the user fails at a roll and does not make a bad excuse, the bonus will reset to 0.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} makes a boast about how good they are at something. Every time they fail at task that is met with a poor excuse will grant @{character_name} a +1 luck bonus to all their following rolls. This bonus caps out at a +3. If @{character_name} fails to make an excuse for a failed roll, the bonus resets to 0.