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Greater Ephemeral Weapon (Su)

Prerequisite: Ephemeral Weapon
Use: Unlimited
Action: Swift; full round if dispelled
Target: Self
Duration: 24 hours or until dismissed; special see notes.
Dispel: Yes

As Ephemeral Weapon, but gain a 3 times per day active use ability with the weapon from the list below. Once the option is selected it becomes your character's permanent choice.

Shatter Burst: The weapon explodes and reforms the next round, and deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 per HD of your character to your target. Reflex for Half DC is PMA based

Pinning Force: The weapon pins a target to a vertical flat surface dealing 1d6 per 2 HD piercing damage. This is a ranged touch attack, your weapon enhancement bonus applies. Subjects must make an opposed strength check on their turn to free themselves. Your character gets to apply their weapon's enhancement bonus to their opposed strength roll. This can be held with concentration so long as your character keeps succeeding the opposed strength checks.

Thunderous Yawp: In a 20 ft radius around your character creates a loud thunderous crack and deals 1d4 sonic damage per HD to all targets adjacent to your character. Fortitude save for be deafened for 5 rounds, DC is PMA based.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} summons a <insert weaponb type> to their hand. It has a dream-like fantasy appearance, but hefts and swings like a normal weapon. This weapon will have a **+**[[1+floor(@{hd}/4)]] enhancement bonus as well as an imbuement capacity of 1. This will increase to 3 at HD 10.