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Envenomate (Ex)

Prerequisite: Constitution 14 and a natural method of injecting poison (e.h. a stinger or fangs).
Use: 1 + Constitution modifier per day
Action: Attack action, tied to natural attack that can deliver the poison.
Target: Single
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude, Fortitude after 1 minute.
DC: Constitution Based
Spell Resistance: No

The natural attack the user has will gain a chance to envenomate their target. The subject of the envenomation must make a fortitude save, DC (10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod of the user) or take 1d6 attribute damage. After 1 hour the subject will need to make another fortitude save of the same DC or take 1d6 attribute damage. Upon taking envenomate, the user must pick which attributes are affected. The first and second damage can be the same or different.