Energy Charge (Su)
Prerequisite: PMA 12
Use: 1 + 1 per 5 HD per day
Action: Free action
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per 2 HD [[floor(@{hd}/2)]] rounds.
Saving Throw: None; reflex see text
Spell Resistance: No
Choose an energy type (Fire, Ice, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Force, or any other) and that becomes the permanent energy type. When you are charged you gain +1d6 and +1d6 per 6 HD damage to all your attacks made throughout the duration. If you take damage that is of your energy type, heal instead for damage dealt. You also gain a circumstance bonus to attack equal to your PMA. While under the effects of the energy charge, the creature becomes vulnerable to the opposing energy type.
At HD 16 your energy charge can have its remaining rounds exerted for 3d6 points of energy per round of remaining duration. This occurs in a 20 ft radius around your character. Reflex save for half. DC (10 + 1/2 HD + PMA Modifier).
VTT Macro Primary Description:
@{character_name} charges themselves with <insert energy type>. While under the effects of this they will gain a +@{pma}
circumstance bonus to hit as +[[1+floor(@{hd}/6)]]**d6** bonus <insert energy type> damage as if it were an imbuement on
the weapon. All incoming damage of <insert energy type> will heal the user instead. @{character_name} becomes vulnerable
to the <opposing energy type> damage.
VTT Side Macro for Exertion:
{{title=Energy Charge: Exertion}}
{{Area=20 ft. radius around caster}}
{{Save DC= [[10+floor(@{hd}/2+@{pma}+@{SpellProf})]] Reflex for half}}
{{<insert energy type> Damage=[[[[?{remaining rounds?}*3]]d6+((?{remaining rounds?}*3)*@{SpellProf})]]}}
{{desc=@{character_name}'s eruption of energy intensely harms all creatures within the radius}}