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Cloud of Uncertainty (Su)

Prerequisite: PMA 16+
Use: 1 Per day + 1 per 10 HD
Action: Swift
Target: 20 ft. radius center on self
Effect: A cloud forms in 20 ft. radius around user
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per 5 HD
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Your character through methods of their own creates a fine mist-like cloud around the group that does not obscure vision or movement. While in this cloud, your character can move in a non-linear fashion to squares of their chose. Every square touched uses 5 ft. of movement. Moving out of a threatened square still provokes an attack of opportunity. This movement must have a clear line of affect and has to be into a square that can be seen. If the user cannot see the square, or the square is blocked by a transparent barrier, they cannot move into that square.

At 5 HD, when physically attacking, your attacks are rolled against all the monsters at the same time. You do not roll against each creature individually, instead your attack roll is compared to all their ACs. If it meets or beats their AC they all take the same damage roll. This happens per attack, so long as there is line of effect to the target. No targets are ever considered flanked when using this ability. To a maximum number of targets equal to your PMA modifier.

At 10 HD, when being attacked, all incoming attacks have a 50% miss chance on you. This also applies to ally spells and benefits that would be classified as a touch. e.g. Healing Touch or Healing Ray.

At 15 HD, when using any spell that has an attack roll component, much like your physical attacks, is now rolled against all selected opponents. This only works so long as there is line of effect. Damage is also applied to all targets. To a maximum number of targets equal to your PMA modifier.