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Lesser Aura (Su)

Prerequisite: Charisma 14
Use: 1 + 1 per 5 HD per day
Action: Swift
Effect: 20 ft. radius centered on the user
Duration: 1 Hour per HD @{hd} hours

When activated this ability grants bonuses to allies within the radius of the effect. Several bonuses can be selected and changed as a swift action at any time during the duration of the lesser aura.

Resistance: Gain 15 resistance to any one of the following energy types; Fire, Ice, Electricity, Acid, Sonic or Force.

Fast Healing: All allies within the aura heal 3 HP per round, this will stabilize any dying allies.

Poise: Allies within the aura gain a +1 luck bonus to initiative and +2 luck bonus to Spot and Listen.

Damage Reduction: Allies gain 3/- Damage Reduction. Note this does not stack with any other form of damage reduction, unless otherwise stated.

Saver: Gain a +1 morale bonus to any one of the following; Will, Fortitude, or Reflex.