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Arcane Blast (Su) [Magic]

Prerequisite: PMA 16+
Use: 1 + 1 per 6 HD per day
Action: Full Round
Range: Long (250 ft. + 25 ft. per HD) @{LongRange} ft.
Target: Single Target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; Reflex half, see rules
DC: PMA Based [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]] Fortitude/Reflex; see text
Spell Resistance: No

Your character accumulates a large amount of arcane energy and releases it in a powerful burst on a single target within range. This target must make a Fortitude Save DC = 10 + 1/2 HD + PMA for half damage. Any targets within 10 ft. of the primary target must make a reflex save of the same DC or take damage equal to half the base damage rolled against the primary target. As a note the caster can choose to not have it explode. This attack deals 1d10 force damage per caster level. After using this ability cannot be used for 1d4+1 rounds. A spell slot of 5th level or higher can be sacrificed to enable a secondary effect on the blast:

Stun: Stuns primary target for 1 round/spell slot level if fortitude save is failed. Target can retry once per round.

Knock Back: pushes target back 5 ft/spell slot level if fortitude save is failed

Recover: Heal caster for 1d6/spell slot level

Regenerative Ward: Ward caster for PMA x spell slot level for rounds equal to 1 per 2 HD.

If struck while casting, concentration checks apply.

VTT Description:
@{character_name} charges up a powerful blast of arcane energy. The primary target must make a fortitude save for half damage and any creatures within 10 ft. of the target must make a reflex save for half damage. The explosion radius is optional and can be forgone. This ability cannot be used for another [[1d4+1]] rounds.

**Stun**: If chosen, the creature will be stunned for [[0?{Spell Slot Sacrificed|0}]] rounds on a failed save. Target can retry once per round.

**Knock Back**: If chosen, shove the target back [[0?{Spell Slot Sacrificed|0}*5]] ft. on a failed save.

**Recover**: If chosen, Heal [[((0?{Spell Slot Sacrificed|0})d6)+((0?{Spell Slot Sacrificed})*@{SpellProf})]] when the target his struck by the arcane blast.

**Regenerative Ward**: If Chosen, gain a regenerative ward of [[0?{Spell Slot Sacrificed|0}*@{pma}]] hp for [[floor(@{hd}/2)]] rounds.

VTT Number of Dice: