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Apotheosis (Ex)

Prerequisite: Must have access to divine magic
Use: 1 per day
Range: Personal
Action: Immediate
Target: Self
Duration: Until downed or task is completed
Special: Must be below 50% hp to active.

In dire straits gain a tiny sliver of divine power to turn the tide of battle. When below half health apotheosis can be activated. Once active, the user will heal to full health and start to glow in ever-changing colors. This gives the user a +5 divine bonus to attack, damage, and saves. Two spells can be cast per round but meta-magic cannot be used. Movement is increased to 80 ft. At the end of every round the user takes 50 bleed damage until they hit zero HP or succeed in their task and the effect ends.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} begins to shed ever-changing colors. As a result they gain a +5 divine bonus to attack, damage, and saves. They cannot use metamagic, but can two spells per round. Movement is increased to 80 ft. @{character_name} will take 50 bleed damage a round until they hit 0 hp or complete their task.