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Ally Shielding (Ex)

Prerequisite: PMA 14
Use: 1 + 1 per 4 HD per day
Action: Standard action
Target: 30 ft. radius centered on the user
Duration: 1 round per HD @{hd} rounds

A strong defense allows for a more hearty offense they say. Allies are warded equal to the user's HD x PMA Modifier. This bonus applies to the targets as a whole. So if the caster has 40 warding the warding damage is taken before any HP damage is taken. Damage taken by anyone inside the radius reduces the whole ward's HP.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} creates a ward with [[@{hd}*@{pma}]] hp. This ward covers all allied creatures, and the HP is shared among all creatures. Once the HP runs out, the ward breaks and regenerates on @{character_name}'s next turn.