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There are many skills that can entertain for money, or offer other kinds of benefits, such as inspiring your group. With performance there are many options that can be put in here, below will be a list of rather standard ones and potential synergies with them. If used to make money a performance takes at least 1 hour and money earned is dependent on the outcome. The core DC should be set by the DM based on the location and setting in which the character is attempting it. Of course a DM should consider the venue and any potential booking costs and such in the process.

Roll difference against DC Money earned in gp
-15 or lower 0 gp
-10 to -6 1d4
-5 to 0 5d4
1 to 5 2d6 x 10
6 to 10 4d6 x 10
11 to 15 4d10 x 15
16+ 1d6 x 100


Dancing is a popular option for performance and the user can chose to use their Dexterity in place of their Charisma with this skill. If a character has 8 or more ranks in Perform (Dancing) they also gain a +2 synergy with acrobatics and balance.

Musical Instrument

Performing a musical instrument is a very popular way to become known. The performer can chose to use their Intelligence in place of their Charisma with this skill. A musical instrument player can force concentration checks in combat on casters using somatic components DC = Perform (Musical Instrument) roll. A new iteration of the skill needs to be used for each instrument.


Whether it is singing, calling out tactics, reciting scripture, or just outright inspiring their friends, oratory is the performance skill to be used. If a character has 8 or more ranks in Perform (Oratory) they gain a +2 synergy with Diplomacy and Haggle.