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Magical Weapons

Magical weapons are iconic and often held as the most important aspect of many a hero's arsenal. Many people dream of having their flaming sword or holy avenger. All magical weapons must be masterwork before that can be enhanced or imbued. Weapon enhancements cost (Bonus2 x 400) to a limit of +5. Ammo can be enhanced as well, which is done in groupings. For arrows/bolts the costs are for a quiver of 20. For thrown weapons costs are for a set of 5.

Cost in Gold Enhancement Modifier
400 +1
1,600 +2
3,600 +3
6,400 +4
10,000 +5

Minor Weapon Imbuements

Imbuements offer some flexibility and new options for those who rely on their weaponry. Many of these imbuements are universal. Some will only apply to ammunition. Below are the lists of imbuements and their respective costs. Imbuements are applied to ammo in groups just like enhancements are.

Minor Imbuement Cost
Unbreakinga 15 gp
Dulling 25 gp
Bright 40 gp
Sheathing 40 gp
a Applies to ammo only.
Bright: A bright weapon gives of 20 ft. of bright light and 40 ft. of shadowy light when unsheathed. This also infers the same sneak penalties associated with carrying a light source.

Dulling: With a command word you can tell your weapon to deal non-lethal damage without any penalties.

Sheathing: Allows weapon to attach to belt hoop and be hidden from sight until drawn. This adds +5 to the spot DC for others to see it.

Unbreaking: Ammo does not break from being fired or thrown. They can still be deliberately broken, or broken from misuse.

Lesser Weapon Imbuements

Lesser imbuements should range from 201 gp to 1599 gp in price. They are meant to be helpful but not world-shattering or legend worthy. A flaming sword is amazing, but it isn't the kind of thing that gets named and stored in a museum.

Lesser Imbuement Cost (gp)
Advancing 1,450
Boomeranga 900
Catching 1,100
Detonatinga 400
Energy Aura 800
Hardened 800
Shattering 1,100
Sweeping 1,100
Toxic 1,000
a Applies to ammo only.
tr Applies to throwing weapons only.
r Only useful on ranged weapons.
Advancing: If a creature is killed with this weapon, the wielder gains +10 ft. of movement in the current turn. This even means on an attack of opportunity.

Boomerang: Ammo/Thrown Weapon returns to quiver, hoop, or hand by the beginning of your next turn.

Catching: Grant's +4 circumstance bonus to disarm attacks/defenses. Weapon becomes a disarming weapon if it was not previously.

Detonating: Ammo detonates on hit dealing 2d4 force damage. On critical deal an extra 1d10 force damage.Detonated ammo always breaks, even with Unbreaking.

Energy Aura: Gain +1d6 damage of a specified energy type. Applicable energy types are Acid, Cold, Electrical, and Heat. The energy type of the imbuement is selected at creation and cannot be changed.

Hardened: Shatter resistance gained from enhancement is tripled with this weapon. It also gains an extra 20 HP.

Shattering: Shattering weapon gains 1d8 damage on successful shatter attempts, and a +2 circumstance bonus to shattering attacks/defenses.

Sweeping: Grants the weapon's enhancement bonus to tripping attacks/defenses. Weapon becomes a tripping weapon if it was not previously.

Toxic: Weapon sickened foes on first strike. Fortitude negates DC (10 + 1/2 HD + Weapon Enhancement). Only works the first time it deals damage to a foe.

Moderate Weapon Imbuements

Moderate Imbuement Cost (gp)
Endlessr 1,800
Fanningtr 2,000
Phased 1,800
Seekingr 2,000
Shifting 3,400
Strikingr 1,800
a Applies to ammo only.
tr Applies to throwing weapons only.
r Only useful on ranged weapons.
Endless: If the weapon uses arrows, bolts, or sling bullets, it will generate ammo when used. No ammo is required to use this weapon.

Fanning: A fanning weapon will split into a quantity equal to the number of attacks the user has per round. Once the final one is thrown, the weapon will reappear in the user's hand at the beginning of their next turn.

Phased: Have a 100% hit chance against incorporeal or plane-shifting creatures. This does not grant a 100% hit chance on creatures with total concealment.

Shifting: This weapon can switch between three chosen forms. These forms can be any non-throwing weapon. Once the three forms are chosen, they cannot be changed.

Seeking: Ammo fired out of these weapons ignore all types of standard cover, so long as the wielder knows which square their target is in.

Striking: This allows the ranged weapon to be used in melee. The melee strike will use the same attack and damage rolls as the ranged damage and attack, sans any ranged feats such as Forceful Shot. As a result of this, the weapon now threatens squares in melee.

Greater Weapon Imbuements

Greater Imbuement Cost (gp)
Cleaving 8,000
Dawn Strike 9,500
Energy Detonating 8,000
Expanded 9,800
Honed 6,500
Rupturing 8,800
a Applies to ammo only.
tr Applies to throwing weapons only.
r Only useful on ranged weapons.
Cleaving: Once per round, if a creature is felled by this weapon, the wielder gains an extra attack at full base attack.

Dawn Strike: Charged at dawn this imbuement will make the weapon's business-end glow brightly out to 40 ft. and dimly out to 80 ft. It will gain a pool of 2d12 + 1d12 per enhancement bonus of damage dice. Any number of these dice can be applied once per round after rolling normal damage for the weapon. The heat damage from this weapon deals double damage to undead. These dice are not multiplied during a critical and do heat damage.

Energy Detonating: Weapon will deal +1d6 of specified energy damage, this stacks with energy aura, and on critical will deal and extra 1d8 of the specified energy damage, 2d8 if it is a x3 critical weapon, and 3d8 if it is a x4. The energy type of the imbuement is selected at creation and cannot be changed.

Expanded: This weapon gains 5 ft. of reach, greatly increases threatened squares.

Honed: Increase the critical threat range of this weapon by 1. This does stack with the feat deadly accuracy but, is applied after the threat range is doubled.

Rupturing: Gain a flat +7 base damage to the weapon.