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For characters that use martial methods to solving violent encounters, nothing is more important than their choice, or choices in weapons. Selections for weapons will be simplified here, but is by no means exhaustive. The list below will contain very general terms for weapons which will cover the majority of weapons a character might want to use. All weights are given assuming a medium-sized creature. Weapon Damage types are P (Piercing), B (Bludgeoning), or S (Slashing). Some weapons do two different types of damage, while others can do one or another. Below the chart will be explanations of each weapon type as well as some examples of what kind of weapons fit into the general type.

Type Damage (S) Damage (M) Critical Range/Reach Weight (lbs) Damage Type Cost (gp)
Concealable Weapons
Dagger 1d3 1d4 19-20 x2 10 ft. .5 P .25
Blunt StrikerNL 1d4 1d6 x2 - .5 B .5
Throwing Blade 1d3 1d4 x2 30 ft. .25 S .25
Throwing Spike 1d4 1d6 x3 20 ft .25 P .25
Short Sword 1d4 1d6 19-20 x2 - 1 S 5
BolaT, NL 1d3 1d4 x2 30 ft. .25 B 1
One-Handed Weapons
Straight Sword 1d6 1d8 19-20 x2 - 2.5 S or P 8
Curved Sword 1d4 1d6 18-20 x2 - 2 S 8
Heavy Sword 1d8 1d10 x3 - 3.5 S 10
Simple Blunt 1d6 1d8 x3 - 3 B 3
Pointed Blunt 1d8 1d10 19-20 x2 - 3.5 B and P 5
Light AxeT 1d4 1d6 x3 20 ft. 2.5 S 3.5
Heavy AxeT 1d6 1d8 x4 10 ft. 3 S and B 8
WhipT, D 1d3 1d4 x2 Reach 1 S 1.5
Two Handed Weapons
Straight Sword 1d8 2d6 19-20 x2 - 4 S 15
Curved Sword 1d6 2d4 18-20 x2 - 4 S 15
Heavy Sword 1d10 2d8 x3 Reach 6 S 20
Simple Blunt 1d8 1d12 x3 - 5 B 10
Pointed Blunt 1d10 2d8 19-20 x2 - 6 B and P 12
AxeT 1d8 2d6 x4 - 5 S and B 20
Pole Weapons
Staff 1d4 1d6 x2 Reach 2.5 B .25
Spear Head 1d6 1d8 x3 Reach 3.5 P 1
Hook HeadT 1d8 1d10 x2 Reach 4 P 6
Bladed Head 1d6 1d8 18-20 x2 Reach 4 S or P 10
Tri-point HeadD 1d6 2d4 19-20 x2 Reach 5 P 15
Hammer Head 1d10 2d8 x4 Reach 7 B 25
Ranged Weapons
Short Bow 1d6 1d8 x3 100 ft. 1.5 P 4
Long Bow 1d8 1d10 x3 150 ft. 2.5 P 12
Crossbow 1d4 1d6 19-20 x2 75 ft. 5 p 20
Arbalest 1d8 2d6 x4 150 ft. 8 P 30

T - Tripping Weapon D - Disarming Weapons NL - Non-Lethal Damage only

Weapon Descriptions

Please read the description of the weapons to get further insights as to what weapons are in that category of weapon, as the descriptions in the chart are purposefully vague. They will also contain other useful pieces of information such as real world examples of these blade types, and bonuses some might have. It is certainly possible to create a fantasy weapon within these categories as well. Each weapon follows a damage growth table for sizes over large, see Dice Categories for how they grow.

Concealable Weapons

Concealable weapons are weapons that can be easily hidden on a person and gain a +5 circumstance bonus when rolling to conceal said object on a person. They are often light, don't deal a lot of damage, inexpensive, and light. All concealable weapons get 1x strength modifier when dealing damage.

Dagger: Tried, true, and broadly encompassing. There are many variations of daggers around the world, though some examples are a baselard, bollock, main gauche, dirk, tanto, and many others. They can be thrown a small distance effectively and are often all around useful to have on a person. While as a weapon it cannot do slashing damage, this is due to lack of heft and good swing-arcs. Daggers can, however, be used to cut ropes, vegetables, and other utility purposes.

Blunt Striker: Sometimes the best way to deal with someone is to render them unconscious. The blunt striker covers things like a sap, black jack, cosh, coin sap, or twist jack. They are typically a heavy metallic object inside of a leather sack, or has leather padding around the outside. Traditionally they are a leather pouch with lead shot in it that is sown closed with a handle attached. They deal non-lethal damage and are used to subdue people. Please Note: This is not indicative of real-life and such weapons can more than easily injure or kill a person.

Throwing Blade: A throwing star, a hurlbat, and many other objects that have a large bladed surface. This are throwing weapons that do not need a specific point to hit the target, are light and easy to use. When you purchase these they always come in packs of 3, though the weight listed is per throwing blade.

Throwing Spike: Harder to use weapons such as a throwing dagger, a shuriken, or other single pointed throwing weapons. These go deeper due to less surface area trying to penetrate a target's skin. When purchased these always come in packs of 3, though weight is listed per throwing spike.

Short Sword: These are difficult to define weapons where they are too short to be considered a proper sword, but bladed enough to actually cut. Things in this category would be like a wakasashi, seax knife, kukri, leuku, Filipino espada, and many other types.

Bola: A set of heavy weighted balls attached to a rope. They are swung overhead and thrown at a target to trip them from afar. These allow a trip attack at range. When they hit they also do a minor amount of non-lethal damage.

One-Handed Weapons

One-handed weapons account for a great deal of weapons of war where a person was also carrying a shield. These weapons are often very difficult to conceal as they are just long enough to stick out of clothing, cause walking problems when stuffed into an outfit, etc. All one-handed weapons get 1x strength modifier when dealing damage.

Straight Sword: One of the most ubiquitous weapons in all fantasy settings and in history. Weapon examples of these include a European arming sword, Chinese jian, gladius, Celtic leaf-blade, and many others. Despite some misunderstandings about these blades, they are quite efficient cutters.

Curved Sword: Another common type of weapon throughout history due to the forgiving nature of the shape. These weapons don't need to hit at the center of percussion to get the best cutting performance. Examples of these blades throughout history are the khopesh, dao, shamshir, scimitar, messer, kopis and many others.

Heavy Sword: A heavy sword is something a bit heftier than the aforementioned blades but can still be held in one hand. Examples of these in history are not common, though a couple of examples would be a dadao or a cutlass.

Simple Blunt: Do not mistake the simple part for a lack of lethality. Simple blunt weaponry are extremely devestating to the target of the receiving end. There are an extremely large number of examples, a shillelagh, knobkerrie, mace, billy-club, tonfa, and many others.

Pointed Blunt: A bit less common than a simple blunt weapon these would include things such as the flanged mace, morning star and other pointed blunt weapons.

Light Axe: An axe with a more slender blade and lighter haft. These would include tomahawks, hand axes, and all things similar. Due to the shape of an axe, they can be used for a trip attempt and gain a +2 circumstance bonus when doing so.

Heavy Axe: An axe more designed for melee combat and war rather than being forced into such use, the haft is heavy and might have langets. Due to the shape of an axe, they can be used for a trip attempt and gain a +2 circumstance bonus when doing so.

Two-Handed Weapons

All two-handed weapons get 1.5x (round down) strength modifier when dealing damage.

Straight Sword: Two-handed straight swords were very common in Europe a the blandly name longsword best describes what these are. They are double edge, capable of good cut and thrusting.

Curved Sword: Two-handed curved blades are also quite common and would include things like a kreigmesser, japanese katana, the two-handed falchion, and much more.

Heavy Sword: Sometimes a longsword or kreigmesser just won't cut it, and you need something a whole lot bigger. The montante, greatsword, claymore, nodachi, and other absurdly large swords fit into this category. These are so large they have reach, but do not suffer from the adjacency penalty of a pole weapon.

Simple Blunt: A two-handed simply blunt would be any hefty two handed blunt weapon. A large hammer, a rock on a stick, a substantial tree branch, or just bigger versions of the one-handed variety.

Spiked Blunt: A two-handed spiked blunt weapon would be something like a two-handed morning star, an extra heavy mace, a large pick, or a kanabo.

Axe: A two-handed axe isn't hard to understand. Due to the shape of an axe, they can be used for a trip attempt and gain a +2 circumstance bonus when doing so.

Pole Weapons

Throughout history pole weapons did the heavy lifting for melee combat in warfare. These weapons range from the extremely simply to the extremely intricate. All of them have a reach advantage over most other melee weapons. Attacks made at the outermost squares are the most effective for a pole weapon. If a target is directly adjacent to a pole wielder the attacks will gain a -4 circumstance penalty to damage. All pole weapons get 1.5x (round down) strength modifier when dealing damage.

Staff: A Staff, stave, quarterstaff, bow staff, wax wood staff, and so on are a type of pole weapon that strikes are done with an empty shaft. These pole weapons do not suffer from the adjacency penalties that other pole weapons do.

Spear Head: Tried, true, and extremely lethal. It is hard to beat a pointed stick sometimes, and in all cultures a spear can be found as a primary front line weapon.

Hooked Head: Sometimes called a bill-hook or a guisarme, these have a stabbing point at the tip, and a hook on one side of the blade. This allows for the easy tripping of an opponent, or the yanking of someone off horseback. Hooked heads can be used to trip at a reach and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to tripping attempts.

Bladed Head: This type of pole weapon includes a very large number of weapons. Partisans, halberds, pole axes, guan daos, naginatas, just to name a few. These allow for the delivery of extremely powerful cuts with reach.

Tri-point head: These types of weapons have a few points at the tip, a common example of these would be the trident or ranseur. These weapons can do a disarm check at reach and gain a +2 circumstance bonus while

Hammer Head: A Pole Hammer has a lot of different names throughout history, they are a blunt and often pointed, head at the end of a pole. The bec de corbin and the lucerne hammer are good examples of these.

Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons do not threaten any squares normally. Using a ranged weapon while in a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity. Firing through ally squares is possible, but you gain a -2 circumstance penalty to attack. If two targets occupy the same square, you have a 50% chance to hit the intended target. Ranged weapons do not gain strength bonus to damage, unless they are masterwork.

Ranged weapons like crossbows, firearms, or any one that does not rely on the strength of the user, gain their intelligence modifier to damage instead of strength, provided the user is proficient with the weapon.

Short Bow: A smaller bow usable on horse back.

Long Bow: A large bow typically used by heavy infantry.

Cross Bow: Wooden staffed cross bow that can be hand-drawn. Reloading a crossbow takes a move action. All characters are proficient with a cross bow.

Arbalest: A steel staffed cross bow that requires the use of a windlass to draw the cross bow. Reloading a Arbalest is a full round action. All characters are proficient with an arbalest.

Weapon Proficiency

Most weapons require proficiency to be used effectively. While the basics of a weapon are simply in concept, using them effectively against another person is a different story, especially if they are trained. Any weapon can be used, but if your character is not proficient with it they will suffer a -5 circumstance penalty. On top of this only your strength modifier can be applied, dexterity ceases to be an option.

Weapon Groups

A martial combat expert is seldom proficient in just a single weapon, but a few to sure up weaknesses while in the field. Below I will list some examples of weapon groups but, these can be created on the fly to suite a character. When making one's own weapon group, do not exceed 4 weapons. A character proficient in a weapon group has full proficiency with all weapons within.

Archer: Dagger, One-Handed: Curved Sword, Short bow, and Long bow.

Berzerker: One-Handed: Heavy Sword, One-Handed: Heavy Axe, Two-Handed: Heavy Sword, and Two-Handed: Axe.

Calvary: One-Handed: Curved Sword, Two-Handed: Spiked Blunt, Pole Arm: Spear, and Pole Arm: Hammer.

Foot Soldier: Dagger, One-Handed: Straight Sword, Pole arm: Spear, and Long Bow.

Guard: Blunt Striker, One-Handed: Simple Blunt, Pole Arm: Hook Head, and Long Bow.

Man-at-Arms: Short Sword, One-Handed: Simple Blunt, Pole Arm: Hooked, and Short Bow.

Ranger: Dagger, One-Handed: Straight Sword, Two-Handed: Straight Sword, Long Bow.

Vagrant: Dagger, Pole Weapon: Staff, One-Handed: Light Axe, and Short Bow.

Wizard: Dagger, One-Handed: Straight Sword, One-Handed: Simple Blunt, and Pole arm: Staff.