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Potions, Oils, and Grenades

No adventurer should leave home without a few potions of some variety or another. Magical Potions contain spells that can be defensive or offensive. Offensive potions typically need to be thrown as a grenade, but can also be oils that are put on a weapon. Potions, oils, and grenades cannot be created with spells greater than spell level 6, and are always treated as if they were created by a Standard Caster, with a PMA of 20, and the CL listed in the entry.


A potion is a small vial about the size of a human pinky containing an, often, glowing liquid that must be imbibed. The use of a potion is typically a swift action. Retrieving a potion from a bag is a move action; retrieving one from a potion belt is a free action. Make note of the caster level of the potion, as that will be the caster level for determining a dispel attempt.

Potion Cost (gp)
Close Wound 5
Haste, Journeyman 150
Haste, Professional 450
Healing, Apprentice 5
Healing, Journeyman 50
Healing, Professional 225
Healing, Elite 1,312
Heal Injury 250
Invisibility, Journeyman 100
Invisibility, Professional 300
Mitigation, Apprentice 30
Mitigation, Journeyman 280
Close Wound: Drinking this potion will cure any wounds your character has.

Haste, Journeyman: Gain the effects of Haste for 5 rounds. CL 5

Haste, Professional: Gain the effects of Haste for 10 rounds. CL 10

Healing, Apprentice: This potion heals living targets for 1d8+1 health. CL 1

Healing, Journeyman: This potion heals living targets for 5d8+5 health. CL 5

Healing, Professional: This potion heals living targets for 10d8+20 health. CL 10

Healing, Elite: This potion heals living targets for 15d10+45. CL 15

Heal Injury: Upon drinking this potion, it is as if Heal Injury was cast on the drinker. CL 5

Invisibility, Journeyman: Grants Invisibility for 5 minutes. CL 5

Invisibility, Professional: Grants Invisibility for 10 minutes. CL 10

Mitigation, Apprentice: Gain Damage Reduction 6/- for 3 rounds upon drinking this potion. CL 3

Mitigation, Journeyman: Gain Damage Reduction 15/- for 7 rounds upon drinking this potion. CL 7


Oils are in a small glass vial with a build in auto-applicator that breaks and coats a weapon or object when it is rubbed on its surface. As with potions, retrieving an oil from a pack is a move action; retrieving one from a potion belt is a free action. An oil must be applied to the surface of an object, weapon, or any kind of implement.

Oil Cost (gp)
Energy Imbuement, Journeyman 100
Energy Imbuement, Professional 300
Energy Imbuement, Journeyman: This potion will have a specified energy type at the point of purchase. This is limited to the same energy types as the root spell. When applied this oil will grant 2d8+2 energy damage of the associated energy type for 5 round. CL 5

Energy Imbuement, Professional: This potion will have a specified energy type at the point of purchase. This is limited to the same energy types as the root spell. When applied this oil will grant 3d8+6 energy damage of the associated energy type for 10 rounds. CL 10


Grenades are a small ampule of condensed magic. Only instantaneous effects can be turned into a grenade. The spell will go off whenever the glass vial is broken, intentionally or unintentionally. As with potions, retrieving a grenade from a pack is a move action; retrieving one from a potion belt is a free action. Throwing a grenade is a standard action that requires a ranged touch attack.

Grenade Cost (gp)
Dispel Magic, Lesser 350
Dispel Magic, Greater 990
Energy Grenade, Journeyman 150
Energy Grenade, Professional 450
Dispel Magic Grenade, Lesser: Lesser Dispel Magic to the square or creature the grenade hits. This will dispel 1d10+4 spell levels. Will save DC: 20 | CL 7

Dispel Magic Grenade, Greater: This potion applies Greater Dispel Magic to the square or creature the grenade hits. This will dispel 2d10+4 spell levels. Will save DC: 25 | CL 11

Energy Grenade, Journeyman: This potion is a bottled energy burst spell. This grenade have a specified energy type at the point of purchase. This is limited to the same energy types as the root spell. When thrown, this grenade will deal 5d6+5 energy damage in a 20 ft. radius around its point of impact. CL 5 | Reflex Save DC: 18

Energy Grenade, Professional: This potion is a bottled energy burst spell. This grenade have a specified energy type at the point of purchase. This is limited to the same energy types as the root spell. When thrown, this grenade will deal 10d6+20 energy damage in a 20 ft. radius around its point of impact. CL 10 | Reflex Save DC: 20